Nine Quarantine-Friendly Ways to Welcome Spring

Nine Quarantine-Friendly Ways to Welcome Spring

by Andrea Pacini March 22, 2020

Spring is the time that Earth awakens - blossoms, blooms, comes alive and prepares for new cycles and growth; this is a beautiful thing to celebrate! I feel as though this year especially - mother nature is taking a giant extended exhale, nurturing all of its creatures great and small with healing breath.

Here are a few social-distancing friendly activities that you can do to help welcome Spring!

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4 Ways To Boost Immunity Naturally

4 Ways To Boost Immunity Naturally

by Andrea Pacini March 15, 2020

Sharing four of my longest-standing immunity practices today for Self-Care Sunday and I’m really interested to hear yours!

Do you have a tried and true treatment to help boost immunity or feel better faster?

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Month By Design

Month By Design

by Andrea Pacini March 01, 2020

Financial guru Dave Ramsay famously said "a budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went." I liken life planning to this sentiment; goal setting means we're intentionally setting a course for our life instead of wondering where all of our time has gone.

I like to make a mini vision board for each month to come. This visual aid helps me focus on the experiences I'd like to call in and also provides a tangible "home base" for me to return to when I'm feeling a bit off track. This can be old-school cutouts from magazines pasted into a journal or digital images collected and compiled together in a collage app.

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7 Ways to Fall in Love With Yourself

7 Ways to Fall in Love With Yourself

by Andrea Pacini February 09, 2020

The most important relationship you'll ever have is with yourself so why wait for someone else to fulfill your dreams and desires! The way we treat ourselves informs everything we do and sets the tone for how others treat us.

If you don't make loving yourself and treating yourself with respect a priority, no one else will either. 

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All About That Base {Tools & Tips for Root Chakra Balancing}

All About That Base {Tools & Tips for Root Chakra Balancing}

by Andrea Pacini January 19, 2020 2 Comments

With all of the heaviness and fear in the world right now, it's more important than ever to have a strong sense of self, security and safety. A weak or deficient root chakra is ruled by fear, which inhibits our ability to manifest in the physical plane and embody our highest self.

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7 Ways to Create Your 20/20 Vision for the New Year

7 Ways to Create Your 20/20 Vision for the New Year

by Andrea Pacini January 05, 2020

With the fresh slate of a new year, thoughts turn to making changes - assessing where we are and the steps needed to take where we want to be. For most of us, this includes revising our lifestyle to include more health, more wellness, more meditation, more abundance, more travel, more career success, more alone time, more family time, more partner time, more hobby time, more gym time, more friend time - whew, that sounds pretty exhausting and overwhelming huh?

No wonder so many goals and resolutions go unrealized - we strive so hard to change everything to what we :think: it should look like, in the process telling ourselves that we aren't good enough as is and thus attracting more experiences and people into our life that reinforce this belief, starting the vicious cycle over again next New Year's Day. 

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by Andrea Pacini December 29, 2019

Before we get to goal setting and resolutions - first things first, this is a truly magical time to CELEBRATE! We are entering a new year and a new decade! Wow.

The heartbreak, the betrayal, the rejection, the inner struggles, the self-doubt, the hardships, the tears, the sleepless nights, the health scares, the mood swings, the weight fluctuations, the friendships and relationships that fell away - we made it through all of that! Stronger and more empowered than ever.

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Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

by Andrea Pacini December 22, 2019

I've been trying to practice the Loving Kindness prayer more frequently and it's trippy, I have to say. Instead of getting pissed off at the person in front of me who's taking forever with their checkout and being rude to every employee on top of it, I send them loving kindness - It goes a little something like this:

May I be safe. May I be happy. May I be healthy. May I live with ease. 

And then, turn this mantra outside of yourself:

May you be safe. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you live with ease.

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5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration in 30 Minutes or Less

5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration in 30 Minutes or Less

by Andrea Pacini December 15, 2019

Feeling lost, confused and uninspired is not fun, but I do view it as a necessary part of the cycle of life - the natural ebb to the flow, the darkness to the light. While these peaks and valleys are an organic part of life, they can wreak havoc on our mental and emotional health and leave us feeling like we're running on empty.

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Why Travel is the Perfect Holiday Self-Care

Why Travel is the Perfect Holiday Self-Care

by Andrea Pacini December 08, 2019

Have you ever returned from a trip feeling refreshed and renewed? Maybe you notice that you're viewing things in a different way or seeing situations and relationships with fresh eyes or new appreciation. Experiencing an unfamiliar environment encourages our brains to create new synapse connections and uproots us from our ingrained daily habits and patterns, which may not be the healthiest for our mental and physical health. Too much scrolling, too much TV and too much computer time tend to get the best of us in our daily routines and can lead to both internal and external numbness. Mindful travel and new adventure can organically shift our focus onto things that truly matter and bring us joy. Sure, travel can be hectic and stressful, but when done mindfully, it's also a really good way to reset and reconnect to who you are and what you love to do.

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7 Easy Steps to Beat Belly Bloat

7 Easy Steps to Beat Belly Bloat

by Andrea Pacini November 27, 2019

Holiday parties, late night events, rich food and drinks can really take a toll on our system. Here are seven easy steps to have you feeling merry and bright by tonight!

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Gratitude Changes Everything

Gratitude Changes Everything

by Andrea Pacini November 24, 2019

Finally something that science and spirituality can agree upon - gratitude changes things. Although the gap between these two collectives seems to be being bridged more frequently with the advent of quantum reality studies, it's noteworthy to state that gratitude practice is one of the few interventions that has been quantified and accepted by both the scientific and spiritual communities.

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