6 Self-Care Ideas for the Fall Season

6 Self-Care Ideas for the Fall Season

by Andrea Pacini September 27, 2020

As fall approaches, we may begin to notice subtle shifts in routines and preferences. I invite you to observe and honor these changes as our bodies were designed to work in harmony with nature’s cycles. Tailored and seasonal self-care is one of the most beautiful gifts we can give to ourselves and to those around us as it allows body, mind and spirit to fully integrate and interact more intimately with both our inner and outer worlds.

Ayurveda, the 5000-year old holistic healing system and sister science to yoga, teaches us that each seasonal transition also means shifting what we eat, how we move and how we practice self-care so that our bodies can most optimally integrate and function from a highly supported level.

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Fall Into Flow: 5 Ideas to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox

Fall Into Flow: 5 Ideas to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox

by Andrea Pacini September 20, 2020 1 Comment

Seasonal rituals are a great opportunity for an alignment check-in as they help deepen our connection to the earth and her natural rhythms. These acts of doing can anchor us more deeply into our lives by uniting our thoughts and actions and by physically marking transitions and acknowledging blessings, achievements and goals.

I’ve really been working with the concept of fluidity lately so please feel free to  take what you need from these ideas – these are just suggestions and are by no means a formal step-by-step process. As always, we are most in flow when acting from the heart in divine alignment with our true nature so please honor whatever your body and soul are telling you! 

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My Top 5 Everyday Self-Care Tools

My Top 5 Everyday Self-Care Tools

by Andrea Pacini August 16, 2020

This week I'm sharing my top most-used self-care tools and I would love to hear your favorites too!

1. Part of my everyday morning routine, tongue scraping removes excess bacteria and can help prevent cavities, gum disease, bad breath and dental decay. It also helps improve sense of taste! I love this stainless steel option.

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Two Easy Breathing Techniques to Begin & End Your Day

Two Easy Breathing Techniques to Begin & End Your Day

by Andrea Pacini August 09, 2020

Most people only use about 20% of their lung capacity on a regular basis. This default shallow breathing pattern keeps us in the sympathetic nervous system aka activated fight or flight response - creating a cortisol spike which leads to increased anxiety, brain fog, insomnia, weakened immune system and weight gain.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, sadness and grief collect in the lungs which can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression as well as lead to innumerable respiratory health issues.

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All About the Chakras: How To Use This Ancient Technology to Heal, Shine & Flow

All About the Chakras: How To Use This Ancient Technology to Heal, Shine & Flow

by Andrea Pacini May 17, 2020

So often, chakra talk sends people who aren’t familiar into eye-rolling new-age quackery dismissal. This is unfortunate as chakras are a very real thing and every human (and animal) has them - lots of them at that! Cultivating an understanding of them and what they're communicating to us can be one of our most helpful tools in healing, personal growth and maintaining homeostatis. In a nutshell, chakras are concentrated energy centers that inform our physical and emotional health and well-being. By learning to recognize psychological and physiological symptoms of chakra imbalance, we can restore energetic flow, combat dis-ease and live a more vibrant, optimal life full of happiness, connection and flow.

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Easy Tips for Looking Better & Feeling More Confident on Video Calls

Easy Tips for Looking Better & Feeling More Confident on Video Calls

by Andrea Pacini May 10, 2020

Now that video meetings have become the new norm and have been used to host everything from birthday parties and board calls to graduations and weddings, I suspect they will be much more commonly used moving forward.

By day, I work as spokesperson for major construction projects and oftentimes have to give on-camera interviews. Even though it’s part of my job, I don’t love being on camera so I totally understand and feel the pain when it comes to this subject. Why does everything look so distorted and unflattering? I’m notorious for keeping my camera off during video calls. But for the instances where you need to have your camera on, here are some practical tips to help combat the anxiety that can come with being on camera. Making just a few simple tweaks will allow you to be more in control of your video chat environment and can make a world of difference in your comfort level.

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Craving physical touch? Try Abhyanga (self-massage) for the Ultimate Self-Care Ritual

Craving physical touch? Try Abhyanga (self-massage) for the Ultimate Self-Care Ritual

by Andrea Pacini May 03, 2020

As we are all discovering during this time of isolation and quarantine - human touch is incredibly important. When our ability to connect with and nurture one another with a warm handshake or huge hug is restricted, it can take a toll on our emotional and mental well-being.

During this time, many of us have been forced to go within and face certain discomforts. A silver lining of this may be that by moving through the unpleasant things we've been avoiding, we discover that we are empowered to comfort and soothe ourselves. 

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Sephora Sale Picks: Spring 2020

Sephora Sale Picks: Spring 2020

by Andrea Pacini April 26, 2020

As a former beauty editor & blogger, I've been into products for as long as I can remember - hair, nails, skin, makeup, fragrance products, I love them all. I believe that - like cooking, baking, crafting or any other form of creation, cosmetics are another extension of personal expression. Shading, contouring and color mixing truly is a study in art for me! 

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Crystals 101: A Guide to Choosing Crystals & Working with Crystal Energy

Crystals 101: A Guide to Choosing Crystals & Working with Crystal Energy

by Andrea Pacini April 21, 2020 1 Comment

Are you curious about crystals but don't know where to start? This can definitely be an overwhelming topic, but if I had to give one piece of advice, it would be to have fun with it! First and foremost, crystals are beautiful - something about the sunshine refracting rainbow streams of light is enough to brighten a mood. Crystals are captivating; some have been embedded in the earth for 3 billion+ years -  I love to let my mind ponder all of the secrets and wisdom they hold.  Because there is so much info, this article will cover the basics, including general properties, colors and shapes as well as a basic guide for use.

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How to Find Your Flow

How to Find Your Flow

by Andrea Pacini April 12, 2020

In Positive Psychology, being in a state of flow means that the person performing an activity is fully immersed, experiencing a balanced blend of engagement, enjoyment and energized focus. Finding ourselves in a flow state when performing certain activities such as painting, writing, designing, cooking - whatever we consistently lose our ourselves in, is usually a good indicator that we are on the right path for our life's purpose. One of the most-asked questions from clients, friends and family is "how do I know what path I'm supposed to be on?" There are no right, same or standard answers for any two people, but the basic foundation seems to be the same for everyone.

The key to finding our path usually lies at the intersection of the things we're naturally drawn to and enjoy. This is a starter kit to help you discover your innate passions and interests.

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20 Ways to Create Peace & Balance During Crisis

20 Ways to Create Peace & Balance During Crisis

by Andrea Pacini April 05, 2020

If the strange set of current affairs has you feeling a bit wobbly and ungrounded  - you are not alone!

Millions of people all over the world are feeling unprecedentedly physically, financially and emotionally vulnerable and threatened. To say this energy is overwhelming would be an understatement. 

After having a mini-breakdown of my own the first two weeks of quarantine, I wanted to share a list of proactive activities that I'm using personally to help bring a sense of grounding, strength, balance and peace into my life.

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It's ok to not be ok (messy things)

It's ok to not be ok (messy things)

by Andrea Pacini March 29, 2020

The state of the world has many of us waaaay outside of our comfort zones right now. This thing has been triggering all of my food issues - food as an addiction, food as numbing, food as protection, scarcity of food etc. and quite honestly, I have not been handling it well. I've let the monster win 13 out of 14 days - bingeing on carbs and sugar and acting like a complete maniac in search of soothing and comfort in the form of warm, doughy pizza, thick milkshakes, cheese and fruit-filled pastries and even leftover cake frosting I managed to find in the back corner of the fridge. It's UGLY. I feel ugly. I feel like a failure. I feel totally out of control and ASHAMED for not being able to conquer this addiction by now. I've let it win since the age of 10. I've let this thing kick my ass for THIRTY ONE YEARS. I feel weak for not being able to implement all of the knowledge I've gained over the years and for not being able to take my own advice.

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