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Timeline Jump (120 minutes)


Not living the life you wish you were? In this 120-minute session, you will get clarity about where you are and where you want to be by doing a life review of your current life path and then imagining a brand new, preferred life. Science has proven that we can influence our bodies on a chemical and cellular level just by having an inner event and this process is an extension of that theory. This protocol affects the chemical make-up of our bodies on a cellular level and is a fast, safe and effective way to break free from old patterns and habits that have been limiting you and effortlessly fast-forward personal growth and evolution .

Intake forms will be sent after purchase is confirmed. After-hours and weekend appointments are available for your convenience.

* all PSYCH-K® sessions are currently conducted virtually via Zoom. 

What others are saying about Timeline Jump

"I have had the pleasure to work with Andi in two PSYCH-K sessions so far, and all I can say is WOW. Before diving deep into the session, Andi really takes the time to get a better understanding of you as a person by navigating through your human design chart with you. Within the first 10 minutes, she was already getting me to see the bigger picture and the beauty of all the "struggles" I was currently dealing with. She helped me to truly see why there had been so much resistance in certain areas of my life and she really helped me to embrace the qualities that I have masked and pushed away for so long.

Andi and I did an alternate life visualization which has been SO life changing for me. It took about 6 days for my subconscious mind to really adapt and grasp these new circuitries, but once it kicked in, I was so amazed to no longer wrestle with the narrative that I  lived by and suffered with for the last 17 years. I no longer struggle with extreme self criticism or a self-sabotaging mentality which would normally lead me down a spiral of constant negativity and periods of depression. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and since the shift has been made, I find myself enjoying life so much more. My family and I are forever thankful for Andi's expertise and guidance, as well as the immense impact it has made on my life. I highly recommend Andi to anyone who is ready to step out of a long & overdrawn narrative that is no longer serving them and transition into higher self alignment and empowerment!"
Alice, Boca Raton, FL


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Category: psych-k

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